Lake Hearing

Earwax (or cerumen) is a perfectly normal body discharge and beneficial for the ear canal if released in small amounts. It is an important part of our ears’ function, lubricating the ear canal and providing natural protection against bacteria, water, dust and other foreign bodies.

Our ears are generally self-cleaning so small amounts of wax will work their way out of the ear naturally. However, a build-up of excess earwax can occasionally occur, which may block the ear leading to infection, pain and other issues, meaning professional earwax removal is necessary.


How Do I know If I need Ear Wax Removal?

You may need earwax removal if you’ve been experiencing any of these symptoms:

  • Lower or muffled hearing
  • A feeling of ‘fullness’ in the ears
  • Itchiness
  • Pain or earache
  • Tinnitus (noises being heard without external source e.g. ringing or buzzing)

If any of these symptoms sound familiar, then ear wax may be the cause. If so, you can book an appointment with us, so we can check your ears and remove any wax that may be present. We will also provide a test of your middle ear (Tympanometry) to ensure there’s no fluid or blockage behind your eardrum at no additional cost. 

Please note

If you have an ear infection, earwax removal may not be a suitable treatment for you, but some of the symptoms could be the same. Make sure you see your GP first if you’re also experiencing:

  • High temperature
  • Discharge from the ear
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Scaly skin in and around the ear
  • Low energy or fatigue
  • Sore throat
  • Severe earache
The results are immediate 

“Excessive ear wax can cause a temporary hearing loss or muffled sound perception. By removing the buildup of wax, microsuction restores the natural pathway for sound to reach the eardrum, resulting in improved hearing. It allows individuals to experience the world around them with enhanced clarity and a renewed sense of auditory perception.”

Don't Attempt To Remove The Wax Yourself

Earwax impaction

Using a cotton swab or other methods including ear irregation or earpicks to try to clear earwax from your ear, can actually push the earwax deeper in. This can prevent earwax from naturally clearing and cause it to build up inside your ear.


Inserting a cotton swab too far into your ear can potentially injure the structures of your middle ear. One common ear injury related to cotton swab use is a raptured eardrum.


Earwax helps trap and slow the growth of bacteria that have entered your ear canal. Using a cotton swab can push earwax and the bacteria it contains farther into your ear, potentially leading to an ear infection.

Ear Candles

While ear candles may have a long history and many supporters, there is no scientific evidence to support their use. In fact, there are potential risks and dangers associated with using ear candles, making it an unsafe and ineffective method for ear wax removal. It is also important to note that the debris that is left in the candle after use is not actually ear wax, but rather residue from the burning candle itself. We strongly discourage the use of ear candles, they are not effective in removing ear wax and can potentially lead to serious injury. 

Before Attending Your Ear Wax Removal Appointment

Softening Ear Wax Prior To Your Appointment

We recommend olive oil a few drops twice a day, 2-3 days before the appointment, lay on the side, and leave for 10 mins and gently massage. You can put a cotton wool inside the ear to prevent the oil from leaking out. 

If you experience a foul taste in your mouth after applying olive oil, it may be caused by a hole in your eardrum. Consult a doctor if this happens.

Alternatively, you can use ear drops or spray 2-3 days prior to your appointment according to instructions.

When Should I Consider Ear Wax Micro-suction?
  • Build-up of ear wax in hearing aid users
  • If you suffer with impacted ear wax
  • If you have excessively hairy ears
  • Need to clear ear wax prior to flying
  • It is effective even if you have a perforated eardrum
  • If syringing is not an option for you
  • If you have narrow ear canals or syffer from surfer’s ear (Exostoses) 
How We Remove Wax

At Lake Hearing, we offer the latest, most effective and gentle methods of wax removal. During your appointment, your clinician will choose the most suitable method for you based on your level of wax build-up, as well as the condition and position of earwax within your ear. These methods include: Micro-suction, manual removal or irrigation. 

Call us on 4928 1360 to make an appointment or book online


Monday: 9.00am – 4.30pm
Tuesday: 9.00am – 4.30pm
Wednesday: 9.00am – 4.30pm
Thursday: 9.00am – 4.30pm
Friday: 9.00am – 4.30pm
Saturday: 9.00am – 12.00 noon
Sunday: Closed